Statistics & Aggregations

Explains the types of aggregations available on analytics pages for each of the main dimensions (volume/error/latency), and how they are calculated.


AggregationDescriptionCalculation Note
Total API CallsThe total number of API calls in the selected time range
Average API CallsAverage of the number of API calls in each period in the selected time rangeDoes not include periods with 0 calls
Calls Per SecondThe total number of API calls in the selected time range divided by the number of seconds in the selected time range
Max API CallsMaximum of the number of API calls in each period in the selected time rangeDoes not include periods with 0 calls
Min API CallsMinimum of the number of API calls in each period in the selected time rangeDoes not include periods with 0 calls


AggregationDescriptionCalculation Note
Average Error RateThe total number of errors divided by the total number of API calls in the selected time rangeDoes not include periods with 0 calls
Median Error RateMedian of the total number of errors divided by the total number of API calls in each period in the selected time rangeDoes not include periods with 0 calls
Max Error RateMaximum of the total number of errors divided by the total number of API calls in each period in the selected time rangeDoes not include periods with 0 calls
Min Error RateMinimum of the total number of errors divided by the total number of API calls in each period in the selected time rangeDoes not include periods with 0 calls
Total ErrorsThe total number of errors in the selected time range


AggregationDescriptionCalculation Note
Average LatencyAverage of the latency of each call in the selected time rangeDoes not include periods with 0 calls
Median LatencyMedian of the latency of each call in the selected time rangeDoes not include periods with 0 calls
Max LatencyMaximum of the latency of each call in the selected time rangeDoes not include periods with 0 calls
Min LatencyMinimum of the latency of each call in the selected time rangeDoes not include periods with 0 calls