Emails Sent to Users

Emails are often sent as users perform actions on the Enterprise Hub. For example, users invited to an organization are sent an email so that they can accept the invitation. As another example, users are sent an email if they would like to reset their password (assuming the password is managed on the Enterprise Hub).

This document lists the types of emails that are sent while using the Enterprise Hub, organized by category.


Email TypeTrigger EventAudienceDescription
New user request to join organizationA user requests to join an orgOrg adminsContains a link to the Organization Dashboard so an org admin can approve or reject the request.
Request to make API PublicA user requests to make an API Public, assuming Publish Requests are turned on for the environmentOrg adminsA notification of the request with a link to the Org Dashboard Approval Page

User verification

Email TypeTrigger EventAudienceDescription
Email verificationA user signs up for an account, assuming the code verification workflow is enabled.New userAn email with a code the user will enter to complete the signup process.
Password recoveryA user resets their password.The user resetting their password.An email with a link to reset the password.


Email TypeTrigger EventAudienceDescription
Invite to orgA user is invited to join an organization.The invited user.A notification with a link to accept the invite.
API invitationAPI provider invites a user, team, or org to consume the API.API consumer(s)A notification with a link to accept the invite.
Invite to private planA provider invites a user to subscribe to a private subscription plan.The invited userA notification with a link to accept the invite.


Email TypeTrigger EventAudienceDescription
New user invited to organizationA user is invited to an organization.Org adminsA notification of the new user and a link to Manage Users within the org.
Org invitation responseA user accepts or declines an invite to an org.Org adminsA notification of a user accepting or declining the invitation with a link to manage users in that organization.
API announcementAn API provider sends an API announcement.Subscribed API consumersA notification of the announcement with a link to view it.
API Upload CompletedA OpenAPI Specification file or Postman Collection file is used to create an APIThe provider who uploaded the APIA notification that the upload is complete with a link to view the API in the Provider Dashboard
New private message to API providerA private message is sent to an API Provider.API providerA notification to the API owner that they have received a private message regarding the API.
New private message to API consumerAn API provider replies to an API consumer's private message.API consumerAn alert of the message with a link to their message inbox.
New discussionA discussion is posted on an API.API providerA notification of a new discussion and a link to the discussion page.
API subscriptionA user subscribes to an API.The subscribing API consumer.A notification of the successful subscription with links on what to do next.
Unsubscribed from APIA consumer unsubscribes from an API or an API is deleted with active subscriptions.The API consumer that unsubscribed.A notification of a successful unsubscription.
Payment succeededA payment is successfully processed for an API subscription.API consumerA notification with the payment amount and a link to view their transaction history.


Email TypeTrigger EventAudienceDescription
API quota at 100%An API consumer has used all of the allotted API calls defined by their API subscription plan.The API consumer that has reached their quota.A notification that the API consumer hit their quota and a link to upgrade their plan.
API quota at 85%An API consumer has used 85% of the allotted API calls defined by their API subscription plan.The API consumer that has reached 85% of their quota.A notification that the API consumer hit 85% of their quota.
Configurable alertsAn alert has been triggered based on the settings within the Provider Dashboard. See Alerts .API providerA notification to the API provider. The email will contain which alert has been triggered.